Marilyn R. Wilson

WRiter, Author, Speaker, Poet

My journey as a writer began at an age most are winding down, and it began in a truly unique way - by answering a Craigslist ad from a NYC fashion magazine. I had no resume, knew nothing about fashion, my husband cut my hair, and my clothes came from a discount store. On a whim, I answered thinking, "This will be fun." I was so naïve. No one was more surprised than I when 2 ideas were accepted.

From my first interview I was hooked. I loved hearing people share their stories. Since answering that ad so long ago, I have co-owned a local magazine, published articles in several Canadian and International magazines, released two solo books, been included in 4=5 collaborative books and continue to maintain a magazine style blog called Olio by Marilyn.

With new books nearing completion, and lots of exciting things to share, it's time for a newsletter. Nothing frequent. I promise. I'll be sending out bi-monthly newsletters - just 6 a year - with information on new book launches, free download days on Amazon for a series of eBooks I am creating, links to interesting articles, books I am reading you might enjoy, and excerpts from new work.

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